How to apply sunscreen as part of your makeup routine.

A recent question came up from one of my group chats. The question was “How does one apply sunscreen and makeup together?”

This is a question I had encountered a few years back myself. As much as I love makeup, I really do love my skin more. So the question arose as to whether I had to choose one or the other between makeup and sunscreen. Yes most makeup products contain sunscreen but in low levels and during summer make up doesn’t last. Doing research I had learnt that all races including those with dark skin types need sunscreen.

So how do you use sunscreen in your makeup routine?

Simply put, first apply your moisturiser, then SUNSCREEN, followed by a primer and the rest of your makeup as you usually apply it. If using primer is part of your makeup routine apply it after adding on sunscreen  or opt for primers that contain at least SPF 20 to do without sunscreen.

Remember not only your face needs sunscreen, so make sure to so purchase body sunscreen products to protect your whole body from the harsh sun.

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